It is an honor to share this collection of photographic books of the beautiful areas, history and splendor of the Yellowstone National Park region. To order books, please email Bob Richard. He will provide you with the price (including shipping & handling).
Discover the early bears of Yellowstone National Park through historic photos from the early 1900’s. Learn about Grizzly Bears and Black Bears and also how to stay “bear aware” and safe when you are in the wilderness areas in and around Yellowstone.
$15.00/Copy + Shipping and Handling.
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
Experience a Journey to Yellowstone with the Frost & Richard Camping Co., 1906 – 1915. In this photo tour book, you’ll enjoy historical photos, a diary of Margaret Richard when she was a guest, and the adventures of traveling into Yellowstone National Park by horse and buggy.
$9.95 /Copy + Shipping and Handling.
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
Enjoy a glimpse into what life was like in the late 1950’s in Yellowstone National Park alongside Bob Richard, the last Yellowstone National Park’s Horse Ranger and his beautiful horse, Big Red.
$9.95 / Copy + Shipping and Handling
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
This book is filled with photos of the beautiful and scenic Chief Joseph Highway to Cooke City, then over Beartooth pass and into Red Lodge and back to Cody, Wyoming via Belfry, Montana and Clark, Wyoming.
$9.95 / Copy + Shipping and Handling
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
A Visual Guide to Buffalo Bill’s Cody Country.
Presents photos and information on modern day Cody, Wyoming and how Buffalo Bill Cody’s influence has made this a popular destination for tourists as well as a wonderful place to live and work.
$9.95 / Copy + Shipping and Handling
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
Cody to Yellowstone
Self-guided photographic tour book with 32 color pages. Book includes detailed map of sites, campgrounds, picnic areas, guest ranches, shops and points of interest along U.S. Highway 14, 16 & 20 – Cody, Wyoming to Yellowstone National Park.
$9.95 / Copy + Shipping and Handling
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
Bob Richard, Jack Richard, Mark Bagne
Roberts Rinehart Publishers – 160 pages
Hard Bound Edition
$20 / copy + Shipping and Handling
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
A regional pioneer of photojournalism, Jack Richard photographed in the Yellowstone area from the 1940’s to the 1980’s, where his crisp, superbly composed images captured the Western way of life. From ranch activity, to national park wonders to the internment of Japanese Americans at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center near Cody, Wyoming, during World War II, Richard’s brilliant photography chronicles the American West from the end of the frontier era to the age of tourism, industry, and large-scale ranch operations.
Yellowstone Country breaks down Richard’s work into nine separate themes, from landscapes and wildlife in Yellowstone National Park to careful still-lifes created in the studio. The 140 photographs selected for this book, culled from over 160,000 images held in the McCracken Research Library at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, represent not only the best of his work, but also tell the story of a unique place and its people and the photographer who cherished them both.
Fleet Admiral Nimitz and several Naval war heroes took a journey to visit Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park in 1946. Guests of Wyoming’s U.S. Senator, E.V. Robertson, the journey was filled with adventures that encompassed Cheyenne Frontier Days, a Native American Powwow, fishing in Yellowstone Lake, taking in the splendor of Old Faithful, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and a historic ranch outside of Cody, Wyoming.
$13.99 plus shipping & handling
To order books, please contact Bob Richard.
To order books, please contact Bob Richard. You may also want to Schedule a Book Signing, Presentation, Talk or Interview